I have over 30 years’ experience in the field of teaching and additional learning needs. Academically I have a B Ed (Hons) degree in Special educational needs as well as a Masters in Education and further qualifications in Dyslexia.
I have taught in mainstream, special and independent schools. My experience includes being the headteacher of a special school that has a range of additional learning needs. My career started in a mainstream primary and since then I have taught all the age groups and met the needs of very complex children. I have been a SENDCO for many years devising programmes for children to meet their additional needs and ensure the best outcomes possible. As a teacher and leader, I have delivered a range of courses to parents and professionals and am passionate about working with families and professionals to provide the best outcomes for our children.
I have worked with children with additional needs and their families for over 30 years and continue to learn every day. I have a BA (Hons) QTS degree, and NPQH, and sound knowledge and experience regarding teaching and learning, overcoming barriers both in mainstream, special school and within the home for young people with severe learning disabilities.
In addition, as well as my own personal experience having a child with ASD, I have a wide experience working in both residential children and adult settings. These experiences have provided me with an understanding of life beyond the classroom, and so informs my strong values regarding preparing our young people for adult life, developing as much independence as possible, and having a role in their family unit and local community.
To advance the training and information provided to schools, professionals’ and parents, across the United Kingdom, and Internationally.
Our focus is to provide training, support and guidance to all stakeholders across a range of additional learning needs.
To improve the quality of teaching and provision for those pupils whose disability becomes a barrier to learning both in Wales and abroad, by providing high quality training and guidance to help break down the barriers to learning.
To promote school/parent/pupil partnership across Wales to improve the quality of life for the young person with disabilities and their families.
Train4ALN’s vision is to ensure all teachers, teachers assistants, parents and professionals, have quality, up to date information, based on proven research and experience, to enable them to overcome the barriers to learning experienced by pupils with additional needs.
We believe working in partnership is key to every child’s success and as such are dedicated to providing information to educators and parents, so that collaboratively parents and schools can work together in partnership to provide the best
support for the young person.
The team at Train4ALN have direct experience working in a variety of settings, educational and residential, with young people aged between 3-19 years.
We provide in-house training and support for Special, Primary and Secondary School teachers, teaching assistants and other professionals, to enhance the delivery and provision of Educational, Emotional and Personal learning.
This is delivered through a variety of platforms such as:
on-line small group training sessionsPre-recorded presentations that enable the participant to stop and replay as required.On-site bespoke support providing observation, advice and practical support for individual pupils or as part of CPD training for staff.
Informal friendly sessions provide information to parents and professionals which would enable them to better understand the education processes such as target setting/outcomes the writing of Individual Development Plans, Education plans, Annual Reviews, and the role of health professionals in these processes.
Mrs Rhona O Neill
Mrs Tina Hughes
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